Allergies & Skin Problems? Not anymore!

Countless pet owners have contacted me about their dog or cat’s ongoing, chronic skin and coat problems. The usual description is described as allergies, excessive itching, scratching, shedding, loss of hair in patches, and skin conditions, sometimes resulting in “weepy” sores and lesions. Sadly, these symptoms are typically treated with cortisone shots and steroids, but still seem to reoccur often. While they’re frequently diagnosed as allergies, I see them as merely just deficiencies. The good news is that generally I have found that these issues are linked to the lack of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) in the pet’s diet, and can be turned around very quickly!

Most commercial pet foods are cooked and processed at extremely high temperatures. Dry foods are particularly culprit in this case. Let’s face it, the reason they call dry food “dry” is because all of the essential fats and oils have been cooked out. The old adage “we are what we eat” certainly pertains to pets as well as humans. Consuming a steady diet of dry food, without proper supplementation can dry out the skin, coat and digestive tract, as well as lead to a multitude of digestive disorders – including irritable bowel syndrome. All of these problems, just as in humans, can leave our pets looking and feeling less than fabulous!

EFA’s are truly essential to the body’s ability to increase immune efficiency, keep the digestive system functioning normally, and promote a healthy skin and coat. In order for a dog or cat to receive the optimum benefit, the EFA’s must be ingested in the foods they eat or in the supplements they take, since the pet’s bodies do not make essential fatty acids on their own. Cats that are fed a healthy natural diet, complete with a daily dose of EFA’s will rarely have hairballs. Long-haired cats that groom themselves may experience them occasionally during the shedding season, but this only occurs twice a year. Nature intended most furry animals to have a summer coat and a winter coat to accommodate temperature changes. If your cat is vomiting hairballs all year round, it’s most likely exhibiting dry skin and shedding, too. You should be able to run your hand over your cat (or dog’s) back and come away with little to no hair either on your hand or floating in the air. If not, your pet is an ideal candidate for essential fatty acid supplementation.

Be aware, however, that all EFA’s are not created equal. Some products actually contain chemical preservatives, such as BHA and BHT. While these ingredients may extend shelf life, they can also create allergic skin reactions in pets, exacerbating the original health problem. READ PRODUCT LABELS and become informed! If your oil supplements contain water, it’s just the manufacturers’ way of cutting costs. The additional water just diminishes the effectiveness of the product. Never use a product made with Soy Oil. It’s been linked to tumors in pets!

A great blend of EFA’s will generally consist of a combination of several different types of oils. They should include Wild Salmon Oil, Olive Oil, Wheat germ Oil, Flax Oil, Safflower Oil, Sunflower Oil, or even Cod and especially Coconut Oil. The ideal formulation should include the well-known properties and benefits of the Omega 3’s, 6’s and 9’s, but should not be without the more important benefits of linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic acid, and oleic acids.

EFA’s may be added to any food; whether dry, canned, natural or premium to enhance the benefits of the pet’s diet. A great product will start to produce dramatic results in as little as five to ten days and continue to promote great health that will last an entire lifetime. Start your healthy oils today, and give your pet a new coat for Christmas!

Check out my EFA Easy Recipe to make it yourself.

Or you can buy my incredible Best In Coat – already made to save yourself time!

Andi Brown & “Doc” Holiday

8 Responses

  1. I am trying to buy your best in coat, but when i put it in my trolley it won’t give me the price in stirling and it doesn’t give the shipping cost. Is this because the item can’t be shipped to the united kingdom? or can your products be shipped to england, I would appreciate your comments thank you Christine

    1. Oh Christine… I’m so sorry you had difficulty ordering the products. Currently we are only selling out line in the USA. We hope to branch out very soon, but as you know we have only recently begun to produce products and we have our hands full with orders right here. Customs, export, etc. is difficult to manage at the moment, but our goal is to be able to do that very soon. Please bear with us as we make our way across the planet. Stay on our mailing list and we will keep you posted. In the meantime, I hope that you will make the recipe from my book for your food and the Oils and give your pets the coat and skin you’ve always dreamed of! xoxox Andi

    1. Hi Pam, We produced Best In Coat for about a year, but because the ingredients were SO EXPENSIVE for us to procure and manufacture… we decided that everyone should be able to make it for their pets themselves and I’ve given you an easy recipe which will cost you a whole lot less if you make it. I know that you and your pets will lobe the results. xox

    1. There are natural products for deworming. As far as vaccines… most holistic vets do not prescribe to the “yearly” vaccine protocols, because a lot of the vaccines given to puppies or kittens are effective throughout their lives. HOWEVER… PLEASE know that some states mandate certain vaccines (rabies) and you must be compliant. (Or risk other problems). I believe that the best way to boost the immune system to keep your pets healthy and out of trouble is to make sure you cook for them so that they stay healthy and vibrant and resistant to disease and degeneration their whole lives. xox

  2. Hi Andi, just bought your book on recommendation for my 15 yrs old cat and noticing small improvements in energy in just the first week of reducing supermarket pet food.

    About to begin introducing the oil and wonder if you think the same proportions would benefit humans in the same way?

    1. Hi Peter…. If I couldn’t or wouldn’t eat it myself…. I would never give it to my pets! Yes… absolutely… our purrfect diet and supplement program for your kitty is great for your own body as well. Try it. When you start seeing the improvements… you know you’re on the right track! Keep us all posted on both of your successes! xoxo Andi

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