Andi Brown’s Exciting Holistic Pet News

So many people have been writing me over the last five years to express concerns about their pets’ health and the ongoing problems they’ve been facing. The most common conditions are allergies, digestive disorders, (vomiting and diarrhea), obesity, immunity problems, diabetes, chronic skin and coat problems and eye/ear issues. After much deliberation about what I […]

Andi Brown’s Whole Pet Diet Chicken Stew

The Whole Pet Diet Chicken Stew Special note: use organic ingredients whenever possible 5 pounds Whole Chicken or Turkey (bones, organs, skin and all) 6 – 8 cups spring water 1/2 pound of additional beef liver, or chicken liver or turkey liver (your choice) 1/2 pound of wild salmon 2 cloves chopped fresh garlic 1/2 […]